Wednesday 22 February 2017

Today one of the things we were thinking, talking and researching about was . . .

Where our parents were born . . . and all the different countries in the world they come from . . .
the children discovered the sticker book with flags in it and were intrigued . . . straight afterwards we placed our names on the world map on the countries that our parents came from . . .

skyping canada today

Skyping with children in Canada.

Today we skyped Levi's class in Canada. Our writing week started with Levi and his mum telling us all about his school in Canada. We asked them some questions and then we wrote some of our own questions to get ready for our skype call with his class. It was very interesting to talk with Levi's teacher and classmates. Afterwards we wrote up two Venn diagrams thinking about what is the same about each both schools and what is different. We rather liked the way the children in Canada give a thumbs up when they want to make a comment or ask a question instead of how we put our arms up high in the air . . .sometimes our arms might get sore! :) Here are some pix of our skype and our brainstorms. Thanks a million to Levi's mum for all your wonderful help and positivity.

Publishing their thank you prayers . . .

Sunday 5 February 2017

Term 1, Week 1 - What a great start!

What a wonderful week the children and I had getting to know each other last week. Beautiful children with positive, happy and caring attitudes.

Thanks to all parents for your help and support with everything.

I know Week 2 will be just as good, if not better! :)